The blacklist seems like the murky endpoint of your email campaigns. But there is hope: Circle Vacations literally won back record numbers through a thorough analysis by DEA.Amsterdam, in collaboration with its email marketing partner Maileon. Read how we brought lost records to life and casually won the AddressCheck Challenge 2021. Do you know the value of an email address? Any idea how many valuable email addresses your blacklist contains? Then read on #addresscheck Cirkel Vakanties has been organizing vacations for single-parent families for more than 30 years. They invented this concept and organize carefree summer and winter vacations from their office in Amersfoort. They do this so well that clients often book their trip again with Circle. For years DEA.Amsterdam has been the partner for Cirkel Vakanties. For travel companies, email marketing is a crucial channel for retention. The problem with email service providers are strict when it comes to email addresses that prove unreachable after publication. All automated responses from incoming servers are processed into the bounce list and once on this list, they are barred from further email communication. At Circle, too, the blacklist grew with each publication, precluding further e-mail communication with these clients. DEA.Amsterdam, in collaboration with its partner Maileon, came up with a solution: AdresCheck. With fantastic results. Maileon's email marketing software offers a solution that lets you identify these falsely blacklisted email addresses. So that the value flows back into your organization. A no-brainer for marketers. The AddressCheck involves a series of tests to which email addresses are subjected, including an RCF syntax check, a mailbox check and the mail server check. The outcome of each check is insight into which email addresses were wrongly excluded from the campaigns. For Circle Vacations, the results were astounding. The entire process is secure and effective. All we needed for the check is a complete list of email addresses. We provided the analysis and helped with the right reactivation strategy. With the campaign, DEA.Amsterdam won the AddressCheck Challenge 2021. But the most important result is that Cirkel Vakanties is back in touch with the lost relations. Email Marketing is crucial to my business and I know better than anyone what an email address is worth. That's why the blacklist is always a sore subject: that DEA.Amsterdam has made so many clients reachable again with the AdresCheck is fantastic. We are here to make entrepreneurial dreams come true. To help marketers perform better. To create lasting connections. Among ourselves. With our clients. With our partners. Especially between brands and people. Take the first step and contact us without obligation #wegotyourback Blacklist analysis and activation false positives.
The challenge
The blacklist
The solution
A one-time validation of blacklisted e-mail addresses.
Approach & outcome
The results.
Identified active email addresses
Featured Partners & Tooling
Imme Reichardt
Director of Circle Vacations
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Interview Niels Jansen, managing director Eurocamp & Al Fresco Holidays
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